Learn About Laser Tattoo Removal

Top 10 Things You Might Be Surprised To Learn About Laser Tattoo Removal!



As tattoos become more popular, the number of people looking for laser tattoo removal is growing exponentially. Unfortunately, though, not everyone knows what they’re getting into when they decide to remove their tattoos and some are surprised when they find out just how little success is experienced with this method. This post will go over some interesting facts about laser tattoo removal and dispel some myths.

What is Laser Tattoo Removal?

There are three basic types of lasers that are used for tattoo removal:  diode lasers , carbon dioxide lasers, and helium-neon lasers. Diode lasers use light that is emitted from a small surface area located at the tip of a laser (a laser with a small tip is generally considered to be more precise than one with a larger tip). The fat, dense nature of human skin makes it difficult for diode lasers to target the pigment throughout an entire tattoo. Carbon dioxide and helium-neon lasers on the other hand have little surface area and so can more easily target pigment.

Significance of Laser Tattoo Removal:

The FDA has approved only one laser for medical use: the Q-switched ruby laser. Unsurprisingly, this laser carries a hefty price tag because it is relatively small and requires an experienced technician to use properly. The lasers used for full tattoo removal in NY are generally not considered medical lasers, so they do not require FDA approval.

The Difference Between Laser Tattoo Removal and Surgical Removal:

There are many reasons that people decide to opt for laser tattoo removal rather than traditional surgical removal. For one thing, surgical removal can be extremely painful and prone to infection (also known as “surgical strike two”). Also, not all tattoos are candidates for surgical removal. Some tattoos use very deep ink and cannot be surgically removed without cutting into the skin itself.

Laser Tattoo Removal vs. Other Removal Methods:

Many people believe that laser tattoo removal is superior to other methods. This is a misconception for a number of reasons; one of the most notable reasons is cost. Q-switched laser treatments cost thousands of dollars per session, which makes them inaccessible to many people who are looking to remove their tattoos.

Fact 1: Most people need more than one session before their tattoos can be removed completely.

Fact 2: Tattoos don’t have to be black in order to be removed but usually need a certain color saturation level in order to work properly.

Fact 3: A small percentage of tattoos are so deeply imbedded in the skin that laser removal is almost impossible without cutting into the epidermis.

Fact 4: It is extremely unlikely that a tattoo can be removed completely with a laser but it’s possible that you can almost remove it completely (the amount of time to complete removal varies according to the level of ink used, skin type and other factors).

Fact 5: If you have uneven color saturation in your tattoo, it may be less noticeable after one session but after multiple treatments will often look worse if red or blue isn’t targeted.

Fact 6: There are some people who have relatively light tattoos in layers and cannot remove them with a laser. These people will need to have the tattoo removed by hand.

Fact 7: You can have a tattoo removed over long periods of time but it has to be handled carefully and not pulled in the wrong way, otherwise you may end up causing scarring that would make it impossible to remove.

Fact 8: You can have a tattoo removed in one session if you’re very lucky and your skin takes to the laser treatment well. Otherwise, you may need several sessions and eventually be left with a permanent scar.

Fact 9: People who are prone to chronic dryness (like those with eczema) are more likely to experience greater degrees of irritation from laser removal than people who aren’t as dry. This is because the laser is great at removing color but not the oil in your skin and so the laser can cause skin irritation if it’s not handled properly.

Fact 10: Not everyone will have an ideal experience when they have a tattoo removed by laser. A portion of people who have tattoos removed by lasers will have their tattoo become more vibrant and noticeable after treatment. The exact opposite effect is also possible: some people find that their tattoos look much worse after treatment.


Laser tattoo removal is a very expensive procedure that works on less than 10% of people. Those who do have laser tattoo removal done are often unaware of the cost or how little success they will have with it. If you’re considering laser treatment for your tattoo, it’s best to speak to an experienced professional before you book your appointment.

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